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Fire Audit
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Fire Audit

Fire Safety audit is a systematic and independent evaluation of the fire risks present in the premises and involve recommendations about appropriate measures to control and mitigate the effects of fires.

This report covers fire prevention, fire protection and firefighting aspects.

  • Identify all significant fire hazards.
  • Identify the people who are at risk from each hazard.
  • Evaluate the existing control measures.
  • Determine the additional control measures required.
  • Examine the availability of suitable emergency plan detailing responsibility and action of key personnel.
  • Review the availability of suitable fire alarm and detection system.
  • Review the availability of suitable firefighting facilities, such as fire hydrants, sprinklers, extinguishers, fire alarm and detection system, deluge valve etc.
  • Evaluate passive fire protection systems provided.
  • Evaluate the general awareness of occupants and security personnel on matters relating to fire safety and rescue operations.
  • Evaluate the training and instructions on fire safety imparted to the employees and occupants.
  • Testing of all fire safety equipment and systems.

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